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Positive School Environment

The SSSP defines "School Climate" as the quality and character of school life as reflected in its norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures, as experienced by students enrolled in the school district, parents of those students, school personnel, and members of the community.

Addressing school climate influences the experiences of the school community members and has a direct impact on student learning and development. Each TBP campus annually measures school climate using various surveys and any other school and local community data that impacts the quality and character of school life. Analysis of the data allows campuses to identify opportunities for improvement of the school climate in the areas of peer and adult relationships including bullying and cyberbullying awareness and prevention, teaching and learning practices, recruitment and retention of quality staff, student and staff engagement and connectedness to the school community, and student, staff and parent perceptions of safety at school.

The Student Code of Conduct provides methods and options for managing students int he classroom and on school grounds, for teaching students proper conduct, and for preventing and intervening in student discipline problems.

Student Code of Conduct