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Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a research-based framework for the systemic alignment of school-wide practices, programs, and services to support both the non-academic (social, emotional, mental and behavioral health and wellness needs) and academic development of students, as well as address the physical and psychological safety of all individuals within the school community.

The MTSS framework incorporates a multidisciplinary process that includes school staff, students (as appropriate), families, and community partners to provide support to students. The MTSS framework is based on tiers of support beginning with universal supports (including screenings) provided to all students and increasing in levels of supports or tiers that range from targeted to intensive interventions. To achieve the greatest impact, interventions and supports must be implemented with consistency and fidelity.

The MTSS framework should address school climate, academic support, behavioral health and mental health services and support, and integrated student supports, which includes community partnerships.